
Control and supervision of irrigated development and equipment works within the framework of the AIDEP Senegal project.

Country of achievement
Société Nationale d’Aménagement et d’Exploitation des Terres du Delta du Fleuve Sénégal et des Vallées du Fleuve Sénégal et de la Falémé (SAED)
Start date
Expiration date
Global budget
366 Millions de FCFA (557 963 €)

Project background :

The Republic of Sénégal has received funding from the French Development Agency (hereinafter AFD) to cover the cost of the Irrigated Agriculture and Economic Development Project of the Rural Areas of Podor (AIDEP), and intends to allocate part of the funding. Payments related to: Earthworks and civil engineering work for:

  • the rehabilitation and extension of forty-nine (49) village irrigated perimeters and the construction of four (4) flood control basin control structures;
  • the rehabilitation and extension of thirty-nine (39) village irrigated perimeters.

Supply and installation of:

  • Thirty four (34) Electric Pumps (GEP) and fifteen (15) diesel pump units out of forty nine (49) floating tanks (one per tank), held by solid masses (anchoring concrete);
  • Twenty nine (29) Electric Pumps (GEP) and ten (10) diesel pumps out of thirty nine (39) floating tanks (one per tank), held by solid masses (concrete anchor).