Supervision and Monitoring of Kayo bridge construction work (972 m) on the Niger River in Koulikoro and its access roads (33 km)
Project Background :
The project consists of the construction of a crossing structure on the Niger River in Kayo, Koulikoro suburb (972 m long), its access roads (33 km), a 45 m bridge and about 30 of scuppers.
The Kayo Bridge is in mixed construction which deck is made of metal frame double girder PRS with spacers and reinforced concrete hollow bricks. The bridge is based on twenty one (21) supports including one (01) in deep foundation and has two (02) 36-m spans and eighteen (18) 50-m spans.
The asphalt concrete paved driveway width is two (02) 6-m long pavements separated by a 0.6 m wide median strip (DBA) with one (01) 1.50 m shoulder on each side. Access roads have a 7.00-m (on right bank section) and 12 m (on left bank section) pavement and a 1.50-m shoulder on both sides of the roadway; pavements are paved with bituminous concrete.
The Kayo Bridge and the left bank section have a public lighting network.